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As we prepare for what will hopefully be a much more normal Christmas for many this year, we would like to take this opportunity to thank every single one of our clients and our team for their continued support.

Many of our clients have relied on our services more than ever again this year to keep their systems running smoothly – allowing them to work remotely and under some very difficult circumstances. All our team have worked tirelessly and quickly to ensure this happened.

We wish you and your families a wonderful time and look forward to working with you in 2022.

Please find below our Christmas and New Year 2020/2021 Opening Hours.

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Reducing Our Carbon Footprint

Our business is passionate about the environment! We have taken steps to reduce our energy consumption, lowering our carbon emissions for our loved local community. As a business we have invested in LED lights, Solar PV and Insulation. This will make a huge difference to the environment and this is just the start of our sustainable journey.

To help us invest in these energy saving measures we had support from Smart Energy Greater Lincolnshire. Through this we received a grant of £7,771.46 to enable us to make these fantastic changes.

The £8.5 million Smart Energy programme has been part funded by the European Regional Development fund. This is enabling small to medium businesses across the Greater Lincolnshire area invest in energy saving technology.

New Offices

After 13 years at our current offices, we are pleased to announce that in the coming months, we will be moving to new premises.

These are currently being designed to our own specification and will give us the space we need to grow, allowing us to continue to provide the high level of service our clients deserve. We will also have new meeting facilities and space to demonstrate our latest hardware to clients.

Our telephone numbers and e-mail addresses will remain the same.