Our business was formed on the first day of November 1999 when SCIS, as it was first known, provided website design and online services to customers all around the United Kingdom.

Established by managing director – Simon Carter – the business was initially wholly based around internet services and inspired our trading name –  “Simon Carter Internet Services”. When we began working for an American customer in 2000, we stood back and reviewed our name once more – SCIS became SCIS UK – the purpose is to reflect our UK origin whilst working with International customers. SCIS UK became a Limited Company on 1st February 2002.

SCIS UK Limited is one of the leading IT supply, installation and support companies in Lincoln. We specialise in providing tailored communication and information technology solutions to help you achieve your business objectives. Our dedication to our customers and commitment to on-going technical training and expertise and central Lincoln location enables us to provide your business with an unparalleled, personal level of service.

We deliver IT and internet solutions across a broad range of technology sectors and maintain partnerships with many of the world’s leading manufacturers and distributors. At SCIS UK Limited customer service and support are at the core of our business, we maintain a true can-do attitude and will never say no to our customers. Our clients have found that our flexible solutions provide them with the most cost-effective IT supply and support service available not only in Lincolnshire but also the rest of the United Kingdom and also further afield.

Established for 25 years this year, we maintain our philosophy, that if our customers are happy, they will tell their friends, colleagues and acquaintances, who may use our services as well, if they are happy they will do the same which is why we are so proud that 100% of our business comes from word of mouth or non-paid for advertising.

The company’s objective always has been and will be to provide a quality of service which goes one step further than you would expect.

Since our formation, the company has gone from strength to strength and continues to grow at an impressive rate; however, we will always maintain the ethos that you get what you pay for in life, especially in the world of IT.

"There is hardly anything in the world that someone cannot make a little worse and sell a little cheaper, and the people who consider price alone are that person’s lawful prey. It’s unwise to pay too much, but it’s worse to pay too little. When you pay too much, you lose a little money – that is all. When you pay too little, you sometimes lose everything, because the thing you bought was incapable of doing the thing it was bought to do. The common law of business balance prohibits paying a little and getting a lot – it can’t be done. If you deal with the lowest bidder, it is well to add something for the risk you run, and if you do that you will have enough to pay for something better."

John Ruskin (8 February 1819 – 20 January 1900)

Company Registration Details

Registered in England and Wales No: 4364658
VAT Registration No: GB 838 7585 69
Hazardous Waste Registration No: ODR849

Opening Times
